Winter Photos

If you want to have a photo(s) placed on this page, email them as attachments to the following email address Please send only photos that do not have residential property in the pictures, because we can not display those that do.


The mission of the LMVPOA is to preserve the rustic and natural aesthetic of the community and maintain real property values.

Copyright © 2025 LMVPOA


The Laurel Mountain Village Property Owners Association Board provides this site for general information purposes only.

The Association makes no claims or guarantees about the accuracy or currency of this website and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in its content. All content and information on this site may be changed or updated without notice. In no event shall the Laurel Mountain Village Property Owners Association Board or its agents be liable for any consequential, incidental or direct damages suffered in the course of using the information on this website and associated links.

Visitors to this website should not act upon its contents or information without first seeking appropriate confirmation from the Laurel Mountain Village Property Owners Association Board. Information on this website is not intended to take the place of either Association’s written documents or policies.